IR Scanning

Save On Energy 123 BBB Business Review

IR Scanning Services

Licensed and Insured

15 Years of Experience 

Weatherization Services


Seal Tight, Insulate Right!

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How Infrared Scanning Functions  

Infrared scanning allows energy assessors to check the effectiveness of insulation in a building's construction. The resulting thermograms help assessors determine whether a building needs insulation and where in the building it should go. Because wet insulation conducts heat faster than dry insulation, thermographic scans of roofs can often detect roof leaks.

Infrared inspection serves as a vital diagnostic method and provides a non-intrusive, non-contact, efficient, and cost-effective means to identify defects before they lead to significant problems. An infrared camera contains a sensor capable of detecting the infrared radiation emitted by electrical equipment and converting it into electrical signals. These signals are then processed to generate a visual representation, where varying colors indicate different temperature levels. By examining hotspots or cooler areas on the thermal image, it is possible to confirm potential issues. 

The Save on Energy service includes a thorough examination of any identified problems, allowing preventive measures to be implemented before any potential failures. Enhance safety, efficiency, and maintenance at your facility with proactive tools that are effective.

For more details about our IR scanning, give us a call. Our representative will be happy to answer your questions

Advantages of Infrared Scanning 

By actively seeking out issues, infrared scanning offers the following benefits: 

  • Lower repair expenses. 
  • Decreases the likelihood of equipment malfunctions. 
  • Helps prevent unforeseen system failures. 
  • Averts unplanned operational interruptions. 
  • Maintains batteries and UPS equipment in optimal condition. 
  • Enhances the efficiency of mechanical and electrical systems. 
  • Pinpoints potential areas for proactive maintenance. 

IR Scanning Services

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(920) 202-3711

(920) 202-3711

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